Irish Organizations
Friendly Sons of St Patrick
The Preamble to the Bylaws states that the organization exists “…to pay tribute to the patron saint of Ireland and to foster goodwill and fellowship among those or Irish descent in San Diego County.” We are a collective group of charitable, professional, civic minded, community spirited individuals who band together under the banner of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick for no other reason than to celebrate the fact that this group of Americans of Irish descent are a pretty damn good bunch of companions to swap tall tales, legends and down right lies with!
Irish Congress of Southern California
Our primary mission is to promote public appreciation and knowledge of Irish history and culture, including organizing San Diego’s Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Irish American Bar Association
The Irish American Bar Association of San Diego is a professional organization dedicated to connecting, assisting and serving attorneys who are Irish by birth, ancestry, or affinity. It seeks to celebrate, foster, and perpetuate the grand and glorious traditions of Irish and Irish-American history, advocacy and camaraderie within the San Diego legal community. It is forum in which to socialize, exchange ideas and make personal and professional contacts in a context that celebrates Irish heritage. The association hosts a variety of events throughout the year and boasts a rapidly expanding membership. So whether you’re an experienced veteran or a newcomer to the profession, you’re guaranteed a traditional Irish welcome and an evening of good cheer.
The Irish Outreach Center
The Irish Outreach Cebter is a non-profit charitable organization providing help and hope to Irish in Southern California. Irish Outreach provides resources and information for the new Irish immigrant in the areas of orientation, employment, housing, immigration laws, legal representation, landlord/tenant disputes, citizenship processing, alcohol and drug counseling, pre-marriage counseling, support and social integration. We work to educate and promote the beauty of the rich Irish culture and heritage in the San Diego community.
San Diego Firefighters Emerald Society
The San Diego Firefighters Emerald Society is a fraternal organization for the firefighters of San Diego County that was formed in 2000, for those who share an interest in the Gaelic heritage, and wish to continue the fine traditions that have made firefighting the great profession that it is today. The San Diego Firefighters Emerald Society has a Pipe and Drum band that participates throughout the year at parades, funerals, and special events. We support the community as a representation of goodwill through education, assistance programs, sponsorships and numerous other events.

San Diego Law Enforcement Emerald Society
The SDLEES is a non-profit, multi-agency organization with the goal of fostering goodwill among the numerous Law Enforcement agencies within the communities of San Diego County. Additionally The Society intends to instill, preserve and celebrate the dedication of the Irish-American Law Enforcement Officers, past and present, and their Gaelic culture.
House of Ireland – Balboa Park
The House of Ireland was founded during the California International Exposition of 1935-36, held in Balboa Park. The house was founded for the purpose of dissemination of history and culture, for both Irish and Irish American; for promoting good citizenship; to bring people together in friendship.
The 69th Regiment, New York State Volunteers An American Civil War Re-enacting Group.
The House of Ireland was founded during the California International Exposition of 1935-36, held in Balboa Park. The house was founded for the purpose of dissemination of history and culture, for both Irish and Irish American; for promoting good citizenship; to bring people together in friendship.